My new reading in French. So far, the story takes place in September 1939, and the mobilization has just begun. I enjoy discovering what was happening in other countries.
My new reading in French. So far, the story takes place in September 1939, and the mobilization has just begun. I enjoy discovering what was happening in other countries.
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Optimiser la conception adaptative des Ressources Éducatives Libres (REL) avec l’IA"
12:30 (UTC) Hosts: Université de York
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#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Uploading Files to Wikimedia Commons - French"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: Wiki In Africa
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#English #French #InPerson #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "eCampusOntario Open Library Forum on Affordability"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: eCampusOntario
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#English #French #Online #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Technocolonialité et diffusion des savoirs : bâtir des alternatives ouvertes"
17:00 (UTC) Hosts: OEG Francophone
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#French #Online #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration
#OEWeek25 #Today "Répertoires de REL : un levier pour repenser l’accès et la collaboration en formation professionnelle"
15:30 (UTC) Hosts: Université de York, Creative Commons,
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#English #French #Hybrid #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Working with Vendors to Make your Open Educational Resources (OER) More Accessible"
17:00(UTC) Hosts: eCampusOntario
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#English #French #Online #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration
"BarCamp Ressources Educatives Libres & Intelligence Artificielle – BarCamp OER & AI"
11:00 (UTC) Hosts: CIPEN, Learning Lab, Université de Sousse
#OEWeek25 #Today #Soon "Exploring the Dubai Declaration on OER: Advancing Global Access to Knowledge"
10:00(UTC) Hosts: UNESCO
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#English #French #Online #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration
#OEWeek25 "L'exploitation de REL par les enseignants de français en Inde et au Canada-Perspectives, pratiques et possibilités"
13:30 (UTC) Hosts: Université de York, fabriqueREL
#English #French #Online #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration
#OEWeek25 #Today #All Month "Wiki Loves Africa 2025"
Hosts: Wiki In Africa, Join the Event – @wikilovesafrica #English #French #Arabic #Hybrid #oeweek #oeglobal #openeducation #educationcelebration